Category: American Intonation

Grammar in a nutshell

Grammar allows the speaker or writer to express themselves with precision.  It helps the receiver of a message to understand more clearly the intended purpose of the communication. Not using correct grammar can make your words unclear and may obscure your intended idea. One of the most basic elements of grammar is mastery of tenses. […]

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What is an idiom?

An idiom is a phrase or expression which represents a figurative meaning often quite different from the literal meaning attached to the words presented. The words or elements of the idiom don’t make sense in and of themselves. They are atypical but universally represent a universally understood significance which is not obvious to someone who […]

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Introduction to American Intonation and Stress Patterns

Intonation refers to the rhythm and music of the language. It is far more important than being able to pronounce individual syllables and phonemes correctly. When I am traveling around the world and find myself in a crowded airport or restaurant, I can pick out the Americans in the room by their sound even though […]

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